This week we learn how to create an “at home” spa with janegee—the expert when it comes to self care and natural living!
One of the most important things we can be doing for ourselves these days is investing in our self care routine to keep ourselves well and strong, mentally and physically. Janegee shares her expertise with us below.
- TREAT your skin to an at home treatment using janegee’s mini facial protocol.
- RELAX with a warm bath filled with salts, soaks, and bubbles.
- MASSAGE your skin with your favorite Body Oil, Buttercreme or Body Lotion.
- BREATHE in the amazing benefits of essential oils. Begin using aromatherapy inhalers ( frankincense/rose) or try one of janegee’s new Aromatherapy Roll-Ons. The Stress blend will help combat feelings of fear, isolation, and anxiety.
- DIFFUSE our Smudge Essential Oil blend or rub Frankincense or Rose oil on your temples to open up your chakras to the energy of spirit.
- DETOX your body by dry body brushing every day, or having a Dead Sea Salt bath.
- BURN your favorite candle. The Sacred, Lemongrass, and Lavender candles will uplift and brighten your environment.
Jane is available for online skincare consultations if you would like! You can book by emailing Leslie ( or by leaving a message at janegee’s downtown Portsmouth spa and boutique at (603-431-0335).
We also have access to online booking 24/7 if we want to schedule an upcoming #manipedi, or skin treatment! And janegee’s online boutique is always open if we’re in the mood to shop locally and add to our janegee-inspired “at home” spa collection! Plus, right now we can enjoy free shipping on ALL orders!
Thank you for sharing your expertise with us, Jane!

Read about the janegee story!