
What is it?

Is it for me??

Local microblading expert Davina Ingram of Southern Maine Skin Co. shares the inside skinny!

So, Davina, What IS microblading??

Microblading is a semi-permanent technique that creates fuller brows, frames your eyes, and makes you appear younger.

Who is a good candidate for this service?

Microblading is an amazing service for those who wish to create a new brow or simply restore the shape of their brows! Microblading is also a great option for those who have gaps of hair that won’t grow back, have over-tweezed, or suffer from hair loss.

How long do the effects last?

Microblading is semi-permanent and will fade over time, and results can last up to two years!

Does microblading hurt?

While microblading is completely safe, we do apply a numbing agent before and during the procedure if needed. We will walk you through every step to make sure that you are comfortable and relaxed. Your initial visit will last two hours.

Thank you for educating us about microblading, Davina, and for keeping us in the loop!


Before and after!